Do I have the latest version?

Here you can check whether or not you have the latest version of any our plugin (the table is updated regularly):

Plugin Currently latest version
WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts 2.4.2
Subscriptio  3.0.6
WooCommerce Membership 2.2.4
WooCommerce Custom Fields 2.3.4
WooCommerce Custom Emails 1.4.4
WooCommerce Conditional Shipping 1.4.1
WooChimp 2.2.7
WooCommerce PDF Invoice 3.2.1
WooCommerce Quote 1.0.5 (discontinued)
Chimpy 2.1.4 (discontinued)

If you find out that you're using an outdated version, then it is recommended to update - learn more in our article How to update plugin to newer version?

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